What are the differences between fuse and circuit breaker?

1. It is generally used in low voltage applications.
2. It can detect and interrupt the fault.
3. Its work on the principle of electrical and thermal properties.
4. Operating time of the fuse is very small.
5. Fuse element needs to replace after every operation.
6. Fuse cannot be used as an ON/OFF switch.
7. Fuse works on the electrical and thermal properties of the conducting materials.
8. Fuses can be used only once.
9. It does not give any indication.
10. No auxiliary contact is required.
11. Fuse cannot be used as an ON/OFF switch.
12. They are independent of ambient temperature
13. The Characteristic curve shifts because of the aging effect.
14. The Fuse provides protection against only power overloads
15. It provides both detection and interruption processes.
16. Breaking capacity of the fuse is low as compared to the circuit breaker.
17. Operating time of fuse is very less (0.002 seconds)
18. Only a single-pole version is available.
19. Completely automatically

Circuit Breaker
1. Circuit breaker is suitable for high voltage application.
2. Circuit breaker cannot detect a fault. It performs only interruptions and deductions of fault are made by relay.
3. Circuit breaker work on the electromagnetic principle.
4. Operating time of the circuit breaker is higher as compared to the fuse.
5. Circuit breaker can be used again and again after the operation.
6. Circuit breaker can be used as an ON/OFF switch.
7. Circuit breaker works on the Electromagnetism and switching principle.
8. Circuit breakers can be used a number of times.
9. It gives an indication of the status
10. They are available with auxiliary contact.
11. The Circuit breaker is used as an ON/OFF switch.
12. Circuit breaker Depends on ambient temperature
13. The characteristic curve does not shift.
14. Circuit breaker provides protection against power overloads and short circuits.
15. Circuit breaker performs only interruption. Faults are detected by the relay system.
16. Breaking capacity is high.
17. Operating time is comparatively more than that of the fuse. (0.02 – 0.05 seconds)
18. Single and multiple versions are available.
19. Manually as well as automatically operated.

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